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Re: [higgins-dev] entityID not an attribute?

Title: Re: [higgins-dev] entityID not an attribute?
Raj has suggested the need to clarify the language here. So here is a restatement. Additions in red. Substitutions in blue. All defined terms in initial caps.

Background: We remain committed to these two principles:
  • An Entity has 0..1 unique identifier (called an EntityId)  (...and we expect almost all Entities will have an EntityId).
    • [Raj: you asked about why this EntityId is optional. The answers are (1) that our “complex” Attributes have values that are themselves Entities and we didn’t want to require developers to explicitly “name” these values (especially in situations where there was no need for N>1 Entities to share (link to the same) value/Entity and (2) we need this in order that our model remain a pure super-set of RDF/OWL (and thus allows IdAS to losslessly “adapt” the Semantic Web (including all Linked Data).]
  • An Entity has 0..N Attributes some of which may be used singly or in combination to identify an Entity or a set of Entities within a Context.
    • [Raj: To date we have decided not to define an explicit “Identifier” Attribute type. The reason for not defining it is twofold: First, the distinction between an Identifier and an Attribute has so far proved impossible to agree on.  Second, Context Provider developers are free to create their own Attribute Definitions and thus a developer could define their own “Identifier” sub-Attribute]

The proposal remains:
  • To no longer consider the one, optional EntityId as an Attribute.
  • To have an IdAS getEntityId() method to return this EntityId (or return null if it doesn’t exist) whereas other getAttribute methods return Attributes/values
  • NOTE: CP developers remain free to present the EntityId value as the value of some Attribute type that they define and use within their Context

With the above clarified and annotated definitions, I’m interested to hear Tony’s, Raj’s and anyone else’s reactions.


On 9/9/08 1:20 PM, "Nataraj Nagaratnam" <natarajn@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Yea, there seems to be disconnect here with usage of the term 'identifier' (or Id).
        The statement "An Entity has 0..N Attributes some of which may be used as identifiers" tells me that there is more than one identifier, and then the statement "An Entity has 0..1 EntityId" says that there is one identifier (as i think "EntityId" means "Entity Identifier").  This seems to be contradicting statements in some sense, and maybe the cause of disconnect here.

So how about this..
        • An Entity has 0..N Attributes
        • An Entity has 1 UniqueIdentifier within a given context.

Then it makes the calculation of uniqueIdentifier to be relevant to the Entity within a given context; this way, we leave attributes as they are - if we end up using those attributes to identify/search/lookup an entity, then fine but uniqueness is not guaranteed. Wrt those attributes that are used to search/lookup,.. maybe we don't need to designate those attributes to be identifiers in a formal manner in the data model?

So proposal can be
                  To have an IdAS getUniqueEntityId() method to return a unique identifier within the context of that entity, whereas other getAttribute methods return Attributes/values

another comment - do we really want entities without unique identifiers at all?


Anthony Nadalin---09/09/2008 12:40:37 PM---OK, So not sure I agree

Anthony Nadalin/Austin/IBM@IBMUS

"Higgins \(Trust Framework\) Project developer discussions" <higgins-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>

higgins-dev <higgins-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>, higgins-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

09/09/2008 12:40 PM

Re: [higgins-dev] entityID not an attribute?

OK, So not sure I agree

I believe that there are 0..N EntityIDs and the EnitityID job is to encapsulate the referenced attributes, thus there may be multiple EntityIDs.

Anthony Nadalin | Work 512.838.0085 | Cell 512.289.4122

Paul Trevithick ---09/09/2008 10:56:26 AM---Just to make sure we’re all discussing the right proposal. Let me back up a bit here and restate it:

Paul Trevithick <paul@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

higgins-dev <higgins-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>

09/09/2008 10:56 AM

Re: [higgins-dev] entityID not an attribute?

Just to make sure we’re all discussing the right proposal. Let me back up a bit here and restate it:

Background: We remain committed to these two principles:
        • An Entity has 0..1 EntityId (...and we expect almost all Entities will have an EntityId)
        • An Entity has 0..N Attributes some of which may be used as identifiers (that is, these attributes may singly or in combination uniquely identify an Entity within its Context)

The proposal is:
        • To no longer consider the one, optional EntityId as an Attribute.
        • To have an IdAS getEntityId() method to return this EntityId (or return null if it doesn’t exist) whereas other getAttribute methods return Attributes/values
        • NOTE: CP developers remain free to present the EntityId value as the value of some Attribute type that they define and use within their Context


On 9/8/08 11:29 PM, "Nataraj Nagaratnam" <natarajn@xxxxxxxxxx <natarajn@xxxxxxxxxx> > wrote:

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