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[higgins-dev] RE: Re[2]: Higgins 1.0.1 release

thanks Valery for these updates. Copying the Higgins-Dev list so others can benfit in case there were similar questions.


Brian Walker
VP of Engineering
Parity Communications Inc
cell: 781-801-0254
From: Valery Kokhan [vkokhan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Sunday, March 30, 2008 7:40 PM
To: Tie Li
Cc: mikemci@xxxxxxxxxx; pkimlach@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx; Brian Walker; Vadym Synakh; Igor Tsinman; Valery Kokhan
Subject: Re[2]: Higgins 1.0.1 release

Hi Li,

The instructions at has
been updated a bit to reflect latest changes.

Also you can use article to find
information about Higgins2Ant and how to use it. Please only use
latest version of this utility (use instructions at to get one).

If you will have any questions please do not hesitate to ask them on
the higgins dev mailing list.



Friday, March 28, 2008, 12:45:39 PM, you wrote:

> Thanks Li for the questions - I would ask that Peter and/or Valery
> address the below questions, as they are best to do so.

> Peter - can we make sure if there are any instruction areas on the
> Higgins wiki that need to be updated or corrected that those be
> noted and tickets created to fix them?

> regards...Brian

> Brian Walker
> VP of Engineering
> Parity Communications Inc
> cell: 781-801-0254
> ________________________________________
> From: Tie Li [litie@xxxxxxxxxx]
> Sent: Friday, March 28, 2008 4:03 AM
> To: Brian Walker
> Cc: mikemci@xxxxxxxxxx; pkimlach@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: RE: Higgins 1.0.1 release

> Hi, Brian

> I have some questions about the Higgins build process, maybe you
> can help, or you can find the build team to help me... [You know, as
> I live in China, it's too late for me to attend the weekly dev call,
> so I may miss some important information...]

> 1. How can I make a local build to ensure that my lastest
> committing will not cause problem? Is this article the correct instruction:

> I have tried to use the higgins2ant tool to do ant build in my
> Eclipse dev env, but it seems never succeed. Mike has thought it's
> because Higgins build machine is a Linux machine while I'm running on Windows box.

> 2. Where can I find the binary build?

> 3. As my job is the "RCP selector" solution, so I would like to
> provide a binary package public, which not only include the crpps
> plug-in, but also the complete dependency higgins plug-ins, and
> Eclipse RCP plug-ins. Can I do that? In the
> crpps.feature/higgins.product you can find the complete plug-in list.

> 4. You know, I'm still in a heavily development time, and may check
> in code every day. I'm wondering how do you make tag for the release
> version? Is there any guide for developer to do this? In my
> development experience in IBM, if I want to put my changes into a
> release version (e.g. 1.0.1), I need to make a tag to the changed
> classes, after I checked in code. What's the right process in Eclipse?

> Li Tie | IBM Lotus | Eclipse committer | Tel: 86-10-82452494 | Fax: 86-10-82452887

> From:   Brian Walker <BWalker@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> To:     Tie Li/China/IBM@IBMCN
> Cc:     "mikemci@xxxxxxxxxx" <mikemci@xxxxxxxxxx>,
> "pkimlach@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx" <pkimlach@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Date:   2008-03-27 18:01
> Subject:        RE: Higgins 1.0.1 release

> ________________________________

> thanks Li for quick reply. We will note this for this Friday
> release - and will wait for confirmation from Mike on 214048.

> regards....Brian

> Brian Walker
> VP of Engineering
> Parity Communications Inc
> cell: 781-801-0254
> ________________________________________
> From: Tie Li [litie@xxxxxxxxxx]
> Sent: Thursday, March 27, 2008 3:29 AM
> To: Brian Walker
> Cc: mikemci@xxxxxxxxxx; pkimlach@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: Re: Higgins 1.0.1 release

> I will fix the following two before this Friday:

> 223367  nor     P3      All     litie@xxxxxxxxxx        ASSI
> Missing build instructions for HBXIE.dll
> 223369  nor     P3      All     litie@xxxxxxxxxx        ASSI        Rename the product "RCP Selector"

> For this one:

> 214048  enh     P3      All     mikemci@xxxxxxxxxx      ASSI
> Provide Eclipse RCP-based I-Card selector

> I think we already solved it, cause we have committed the code to
> SVN, and have made most things available. So it can be seen as resolved, right?

> Li Tie | IBM Lotus | Eclipse committer | Tel: 86-10-82452494 | Fax: 86-10-82452887

> From:   Brian Walker <BWalker@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> To:     "mikemci@xxxxxxxxxx" <mikemci@xxxxxxxxxx>, Tie Li/China/IBM@IBMCN
> Cc:     "pkimlach@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx" <pkimlach@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Date:   2008-03-27 10:33
> Subject:        Higgins 1.0.1 release

> ________________________________

> Hi Mike, Li - as you konw we are planning to release a Higgins
> 1.0.1 bug fix this Friday 28-Mar. We need to finalize on what
> Higgins bugs from below, that will be fixed/closed as part of this.
> Can you review the below and let me know which one's you will have closed for this Friday?

> 223367  nor     P3      All     litie@xxxxxxxxxx        ASSI
> Missing build instructions for HBXIE.dll
> 223369  nor     P3      All     litie@xxxxxxxxxx        ASSI        Rename the product "RCP Selector"
> 214048  enh     P3      All     mikemci@xxxxxxxxxx      ASSI
> Provide Eclipse RCP-based I-Card selector
> 218044  nor     P3      Wind    mikemci@xxxxxxxxxx      ASSI
> The path to the configuration files is not being configured properly
> 218045  nor     P3      Wind    mikemci@xxxxxxxxxx      ASSI
> Initial class not found exception is not logged
> 219638  nor     P3      Wind    mikemci@xxxxxxxxxx      ASSI
> NullPointer exception in ServerServiceBinding.getService() under WebSphere

> If these can't be fixed by this Friday's 1.0.1 build/tag then I
> will move them to the next bug fix release.

> thanks in advance....Brian

> Brian Walker
> =brian.walker
> VP of Engineering
> Parity Communications Inc
> cell: 781-801-0254

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