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[higgins-dev] Wiki versioning


You asked for input on improvements to the Higgins site+wiki....

Since I know you're working on a clean, new, top-down organizational
structure for the higgins site+wiki, I wanted to point out a new requirement
that has arisen: We need to be able to have some wiki pages that describe
how things ARE (i.e. how they are in Higgins 1.0) while having other wiki
pages that describe our latest thinking about things (i.e. how we think
things should be).

Here's an example. I was about to begin marching through and changing a
zillion occurrences of "Node" to "Entity" when I realize that some pages
(e.g. [1]) which use the Node word should continue to say "Node" because
they are about Higgins 1.0, and not Higgins 1.1M1 nor some other future

Most of your new overall organizational structure will have this same
requirement. Not just IdAS or the data model pages, but also every solution
page, component page, etc. So we need a robust convention to deal with this.

[The solution might just be a page naming convention. This might perhaps be
a reason to actually use the <something>/<something>/... wiki page naming
convention, that in general I've found not all that useful. Dunno.]



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