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[higgins-dev] Access Control telecon: tentative: Wed 27th 5-6pm

According to
this is the best possibility. We'll pencil in for now.

Starter Agenda 

1) Use cases
* What sets of use cases are we considering? (e.g. Phil Hunt's IGF cases,
Parity's "VRM" R-card cases, David KM's cases)

2) Motivations 
* Motivations of different groups of higgins developers to get something in
* Perhaps each "interested" group/person should speak for a couple minutes
on what Higgins capabilities they'd like to see in this area

3) Scope 
* Policy representation only? 
* Policy enforcement? 
* Policy authoring?

4) Relationship to other efforts
* Should we create a Higgins profile of XACML?
* IGF?
* others?

5) Design Choices
* Should we keep policy "data" separate from "resource" data in the Context?
In other words should "policy" point to "resources"? or is it the other way
* How is policy expressed in the data model?

6) Implementation Choices
* PEP built into IdAS?
* PEP Context Provider?
* PEP as a Context Provider responsibility

7) Control over what resources?
* see: point #2

8) Timing/Functionality Tradeoffs
* Do we want to do something simple and quick AND on a longer, slower track
something more robust? 
* Or should we figure out the long term plan and then see how to implement
an initial phase 

9) Process Issues
* Volunteer to lead this work area? 
* Meeting schedules, etc.
* Next steps


[1] <-- the page Jim created
[2]  <-- add cases here
[3] <-- conversation

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