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[higgins-dev] Notes from Higgins December 20th developers call


Alex Amies - IBM

Charles Andres - Parity

*  Paula Austel - IBM

   Anthony Bussani - IBM

*  Jeff Broberg CA

*  Andy Hodgkinson - Novell

  Duane Buss - Novell

   Greg Byrd - NCSU/IBM

*   Brian Carrol - Serena

  Tom Doman - Novell

*  Jeesmon Jacob - Parity

  Valery Kokhan - Parity Ukraine

David Kuehr-Mclaren - IBM

* Mike McIntosh - IBM

Tony Nadalin - IBM

Nataraj Nagaratnam - IBM

Dale Olds - Novell

* Drummond Reed - Cordance

*  Bruce Rich - IBM

 Mary Ruddy - Parity/SocialPhysics

*  Markus Sabedello - Parity

 Jim Sermersheim - Novell

Uppili Srinivasan - Oracle

Jim Miles

George Stanchev - Serena

*  Daniel Sanders - Novell

*  Paul Trevithick - Parity/SocialPhysics

Igor Tsinman - Parity

Lex Sheehan

*  Brian Walker - Parity


* Present


Proposed  Agenda


1) Update on the multi-protocol server architecture meeting in NY.  This topic will be revisited at the F2F in Provo   

2)Wiki reorganization - Changed Deployment Configurations to Solutions 

  • Updates Solutions template (e.g. here)
  • Eclipse foundation is working to support wiki and website integration
  • Moving to integrate website and wiki (no separate wiki navigation)  Addressing the "two headed monster" issue

2) Auto gen of .psf files and use of subclipse tool status and any other build related issues

3) Overall 1.0 Bug status.  Please review and update the list before the developer call today.  Link is available at the bottom of the components page.  There are 34 open items. At the time of last week's call there were 32 items. This moved in the wrong direction.

5 Status of specific solutions

  • Client based identity selector
  • Eclipse based identity selector (IE only)
  • Web based identity selector (Firefox only) 
  • RP code needs to be committed by Mike  
  • IdAS

6) IPR status update (two open items, one with checkintocvs status)

7) Positioning of 1.0, and setting expectations (IdAS API for example) . See

8) Planned Higgins regular F2F January 15-17 in Provo  (Note new date)

9) Skip call next week due to Holidays.  Next call January  3rd.




1) 1) Update on the multi-protocol server architecture meeting in NY.  This topic will be revisited at the F2F in Provo   

[Paul]:  Basic topic was Markus checked in this  SAML2 IdP. It leverages JNDI and IDAS but not STS, so  first day was  an opportunity for Mike to go through his architecture.  Then, Markus talke about what he did, then  we had working session on a harmonization plan. The potential exists to have one component provide both of these, but first some premerge refactoring would need to happen and some generalization of  Mike's code.  The outcome of the meeting is to put this topic on the  agenda for the  F2F to see what we can plan out. It may be that we would like to harmonize, but unless some one has business resources to to this,  this might  be deferred.  Mike, do you have any additional comments.  

[Mike] Nothing further to add

[Brian]  I  thoughMikes' presentation went well

[Jeff] : It was fantastic.  Thanks Mike


2)Wiki reorganization - Changed Deployment Configurations to Solutions 

  • Updates Solutions template (e.g. here)
  • Eclipse foundation is working to support wiki and website integration
  • Moving to integrate website and wiki (no separate wiki navigation)  Addressing the "two headed monster" issue
How do you use the new solutions wiki template.
[Paul]: Next topic is reorganization of the wiki.  People misunderstood the word deployment  Changed to Solutions.  Have created a template for the news Solutions wiki pages.  Want solutions owners to move to the new template.
[Paul]:  The Higgins website and wiki are not navigable.  We have knowthat. The problem is architectural about how the  Eclipse website works.  The Wiki works,  the website works ,  but  the mixture has issues as the wiki navigation is not project specific. I am happy to say that though Mary and I have mentioned this numerous times to the Eclipse foundation over the years, being able to quote other organizations criticism, has gotten their attention.  And they are working on a  solution. The technical problem is that the navigation on the wiki is for the overall Eclipse Foundation, we don't currently have a way to customize it to be project specific. We call this the two headed monster problem as the wiki navigation is therefore different from the website navigation.  As of today, the wiki is just used to supply pages.  Navigation is from the website. This just highlights how much more work is need to be done the website.  We have made progress.  We have taken the webpages that are only valuable to Higgins committers and have buried them. Will keep working
[??]: How do you use the new solutions template
[Paul]:  You could copy and edit.  Use edit menu on the side.
[Paul]: There is a new wiki page called 
that has links to all the information that people actually contributing to the project need.  It is available off the MISC page on the website navigation.

2)  Auto gen of .psf files and use of subclipse tool status and any other build related issues

[Paul]: Do you know where that stands?

[Mary]: We talked about this in the last Higgins call.

[BrianW] Mary and I talked off line.  We need to agree on subclipse, then make the change

[Mary] :   Any objections to the proposal?

[Paul]:  You can use any tool you want, unless you want to rebuild, then you would need to use subclipse as the .psf's will use subclipse.

[Not hearing any objections]

[BrianW]:  That is a green light.  I will have Valery work on the the psf's.

[ Mary ]: Great.

3) Overall 1.0 Bug status.  Please review and update the list before the developer call today.  Link is available at the bottom of the components page.  There are 34 open items. At the time of last week's call there were 32 items. This moved in the wrong direction.

[Paul]:  Bugs have been added and bugs taken off.  In the end, the number is the same.  Andy is on the call.  Do you have an update

[Andy]: I'm in the process of checking in and debranding all the Digital me code.  Once done that will take a look at what can be pushed off or closed.

[Paul]:  Still planning to get this checked in by 12/31

[Paul] Jim, is not on the call...

[Paul] Next is Mary. This item is on hold 

[Mary]:  It is for making the nav more project specific.

[Paul]: Mike you have a long list

[Mike] Still plan to do it by 12/31

[Paul]:  One of the biggies - is using a personal card to back up a managed card.  It is not on the list.

[BrianW]: We are still pushing for that.

[Paul]: There are a lot of work items integrated with that

[Paul]: Performance of web-based selector is very slow.  Won't get it fixed by 12/31. We will fix that as soon as possible.

[Paul] One of the items is the ant build for each solution.  My understanding is that we are just focusing on the scripts for the web based selector.  Is that right Brian

[BrianW]: Yes.

[Paul]: One of the items not on the list is documenting all the solutions.  Markus' will be the first one - the gold standard of what  one should look like.  Hopefully within the next few days Markus will be done.  I should add this to the list.  It is a lot of work.

[Paul]: Still hoping to finish the Parity one

[Brian]: I will give you a summary after the meeting.

[??] Can I ask a question about 1.0.  It is currently scheduled for 12/31?

[Paul]: Pencils down is 12/31.Then the process continues...Need to have an IP release review and a release review...

[Bruce?]: We have developers here making active use of the STS.  We would like to be able to say we are using 1.0 of the Higgins stuff.  Want some dates..

[Mary]: Three weeks is the minimum. We have one more IPR item that is ok to checkintocvs, but is not fully reviewed.  When that is done. we need to schedule the IPR review.  The release review also needs to be scheduled and can't be held until at least a week after the IPR review. 

[Bruce?]: What can we communicate back?

[Paul]: Mid February at the best.

[Bruce?] What does the December 31st date mean? What are Higgins developers supposed to do..

[Paul]:  December 31st is a forcing function to get all the IP and code in.  Those are prerequisites for having the release.

[??]: Have concerns about API.  May get feedback

[Paul]:  Can do more development, but not new dependencies.  Documentation and fixes.

[Paul:] So we could branch.  Need decide as a team if bug is fixed in main branch.  New stuff on case by case basis...

[Bruce? ] They have deadlines they are working towards


5 Status of specific solutions

  • Client based identity selector
  • Eclipse based identity selector (IE only)
  • Web based identity selector (Firefox only) 
  • RP code needs to be committed by Mike  
  • IdAS
[Paul]: Client based is DigitalMe.  We talked about that
[Paul]: Eclipse based is not in svn yet.
[Paul]: We have three selectors.  UI merge has been deferred
[Paul]: RP code.  Mike, what is the status?
[Mike}:  I did it.
[Paul]: Good.
6) IPR status update (two open items, one with checkintocvs status)

[Mary]: Right now we have only one open item and it has a checkintocvs status.  So right now everything can be in svn.

[Mary]:  A moment of silence...

[Drummond]: Or applause

[Daniel]:  One question - I made a minor fix to the STS code - required use of library in redistribution project though never exported.

[Mike]: Which one?

[Daniel]: Commons Lang

[Daniel]:  My question is given that is has net been exported.  We need to check that it is ok.

[Mary]: We need to take a look at that...

[Mary]:  What is the version?

[Daniel]: commons-Lang-2.1

[Paul]: Will make another redistribution thing and put it in the nursery..

[Mary]: Where is it used.

[Daniel]: STS binding 1 AXIS COMMONS.

[Paul]: Should be in build stream

[Daniel] How determine...

[Jeesmon]:  This is Jeesmon.  Are you are saying that the common lang was not added to the

[Paul]:  You need to explicitly extract everything in the distributable package

[Daniel]:  Right,  as this hadn't been done before

[Paul]:  See green light (build good) but not the link for the build.

[Paul]:  I will look into how the build dependencies are generated.

[Daniel]:  What about Orbit?

[Paul]:  That is longer term.


7) Positioning of 1.0, and setting expectations (IdAS API for example) . See

[Paul]: We talked about this a bit. There is a link to a very short description of 1.0.  1.0 is 7 solutions.  An suggestions for what should be added to this page?


8) Planned Higgins regular F2F January 15-17 in Provo  (Note new date)

[Paul] during the last F2F added a lot of agenda items to Provo meeting.  After new year will work on the agenda and getting sessions scheduled.  This is going to be an action packed meeting

9) Skip call next week due to Holidays.  Next call January 3rd.

[Paul]: Last item is Mary saying we will skip the call next week unless there are violent objections.

[Daniel]: I have a little IdP.  Is there interest in my showing this at the F2F in January?

[Paul]:  Of  course.  That is great. 

[Mary]:  Yes, you can put it into the agenda.


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