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RE: [higgins-dev] Higgins SAML Architecture Face-to-FaceMeeting inNew York the Week of December 17th - Logistics

Would it be better to move it to Jan 14-17?  That would give us more time after the new year to get our thoughts together anyway.

>>> Anthony Nadalin <drsecure@xxxxxxxxxx> 11/28/07 10:04 AM >>>

Some of us may not be able to make the January meeting if its in the first full week in January.

Anthony Nadalin | Work 512.838.0085 | Cell 512.289.4122

Inactive hide details for "Jim Sermersheim" ---11/28/2007 10:59:02 AM---We were hoping for a video conference since calling in doesn't lend itself very well to looking at whiteboard drawings. It loo


"Jim Sermersheim" <jimse@xxxxxxxxxx>


"'Higgins (Trust Framework) Project developer discussions'" <higgins-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>


11/28/2007 10:59 AM


RE: [higgins-dev] Higgins SAML Architecture Face-to-FaceMeeting in New York the Week of December 17th - Logistics

We were hoping for a video conference since calling in doesn't lend itself very well to looking at whiteboard drawings. It looks like those facilities are unavailable.

Is there a logistical reason why we don't want to delay this until the Jan F2F? Are some key participants unavailable for the January timeframe? 


>>> "Mary Ruddy" <mary@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 11/27/07 7:12 AM >>>


The meeting in December in NY is not a regular F2F in the traditional sense, but rather is a focused discussion on a particular technical area that currently needs resolution. After the initial dev announcement of the new SAML2 IdP protocol prototype, it was discussed in the weekly call format, but deeper conversations are needed. Sometimes we deal with issues like this as a separate call, but this was deep enough that a face-to-face meeting was a better vehicle. I'm sure that we will talk about this more in January.

Mike, is it possible to have a dial-in line for this session?

From: higgins-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:higgins-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Daniel Sanders
 Monday, November 26, 2007 7:18 PM
 ari.kermaier@xxxxxxxxxx; AMSI.MOTUKURU@xxxxxxxxxx
 Re: [higgins-dev] Higgins SAML Architecture Face-to-FaceMeeting in New York the Week of December 17th - Logistics


Can you explain why we are scheduling a 2nd F2F so close to the one in January? Is there no time in January to cover these topics? Could they be repeated in January?

I have a high interest in these topics, but I'm not sure I can get out to NY on those dates. I'm sure you've got good reasons, but I don't recall seeing much prior discussion about holding a 2nd F2F on the mailing list. Was it discussed during some of the calls? ... Unfortunately, I haven't been able to join all of the calls lately... is that where all of this was discussed?



>>> "Mary Ruddy" <mary@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 11/21/2007 12:10 PM >>>

The new Higgins SAML2 IdP has sparked a lot of conversations. We are planning a Higgins Face-to-Face meeting on SAML Architecture in NY the week of December 17th.

IBM has graciously agreed to host the meeting at their Watson Research Center in Hawthorne, New York. 

We are expecting the meeting to last one and a half to two days.

Straw man agenda:

    • 1/2 day on general
      Higgins dev env setup for new comers to Higgins on December 17th. Starting Monday AM. 

    • 1/2 day on STS architecture 

    • 1/2 day on SAML binding and Token

    • W
      orking session

Let us know if you can attend on the 17th and 18th, and if you have any suggestions for the agenda. December 19th and 20th are also possible dates. Then we will confirm the date/time. A link to the draft agenda and logistics can be found on the Higgins wiki at 

-Mary _______________________________________________
higgins-dev mailing list

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