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RE: [higgins-dev] Branches on Components wiki

Sounds good to me, except one question.  For those who wish to consume a component as a library, but don't have eclipse, this proposal says they'd be faced with getting a plugin jar and figuring out what to do with that. I assume this means they'd extract the real jar from the plugin jar.  Does this seem cumbersome?

>>> "Paul Trevithick" <paul@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 10/26/07 7:44 PM >>> 

I was just trying to advertise the existence of the branch at all. It was a
baby step, and, as you point out, a very imperfect one.

Here's a straw man for the future evolution of the Components page:

1. we keep only one row per component-project

2. we get rid of the dependencies link/page 

3. we change the column header from "Nightly Builds" to "Builds". We make
the cells in this column just say "builds" and point to a page that is
segmented (by section or sub-page) by build. Thus, this page has segments
like these: 
 - "Nightly" 
 - "1.0M7 Stable"
 - "1.0M8 Stable"
 - "1.0M9 Stable"
 - "1.0R1 Release"
Within each segment there would be:
 - dependencies (auto-generated as we now do)
 - plugin (as we do now)
 - we no longer create "lib" (everyone can just use the plugin .jar)
 - sources (as we do now, except not mis-spelled as "Sousces")
 - log file per platform (as we do now)
 - javadoc (as we do now)


> -----Original Message-----
> From: higgins-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:higgins-dev-
> bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Jim Sermersheim
> Sent: Friday, October 26, 2007 8:49 PM
> To: higgins-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: [higgins-dev] Branches on Components wiki
> Paul,
> To follow up on this:
> (11:20:25) trevithick1: jim, does your components page template allow
> multiple branches (e.g. "{M0-8}" and "{1.0M9}")?
> (11:23:04) trevithick1: My intent was to display all of the known branches
> that this SINGLE row/project was known to have (to save exploding the
> number of rows).
> We can put any string in there.  Today the template puts the {} around the
> passed string, but we could change it so the passed string looks like
> "{M0-8}, {M0-9}" if we want.  However, the dependency page, build
> instructions, javadoc, are all currently for the HEAD only.  Do we want to
> have per-branch information (such as javadoc, stable jar, version-specific
> dependencies, etc.?
> Or is the {M0.8} thing just to tell people how long the component has been
> around, and to advertise the cvs branches?  Still, I'm not sure what
> people will do when they go to get an older branch, and the dependencies
> are different from what's on the dep page for that component.
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