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[higgins-dev] NEW new IdASRegistry checked in


Thanks for a lot of help on IRC today and yesterday. We may have found a way of configuring the IdASRegistry in two ways:
- using XRDS documents (which can come from XRI, URI, local file)
- using the Configuration API

See this page for a summary and examples on how to configure IdASRegistry using the Configuration API:

Note that both ways can be combined. For example, you could list all your context factories in your configuration file (instead of the contextfactories.xrds), and you should still be able to use XRIs and URIs as context IDs (however, now context IDs can also come from the Configuration API, as shown on the wiki page).

I just checked in the code. If you already converted to the XRDS stuff, everything should still work as usual (but please check to make sure!!).

Please review the org.eclipse.higgins.idas.registry.test project. Look at the files in that project:

This means the xxxWithXRDSTest and xxxWithoutXRDSTest use the IdASRegistry exactly in the same way, only the setUp() method is different. The data in idasregistryconfig.xml is exactly the same as the data in contextfactories.xrds+context1.xrds+context2.xrds.

Hope this helps. Please send feedback and questions and bugs.

Note there were also changes to the Configuration API, so if you check out the IdASRegistry, remember to update the configuration.XXX projects too.


P.S. Greg, Mike, Daniel: Please let me know what you came up with regarding moving the instance configurations to another place. Right now, I'm still using the InstanceHandler that looks for them in the "ComponentSettings".

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