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[higgins-dev] Notes from 20070531 Higgins developers call

Alex Amies - IBM
Abhi Schelat - IBM
* Andy Hodgkinson - Novell
* Brian Carrol - Serena
Dale Olds - Novell
Daniel Sanders - Novell
David Kuehr-Mclaren - IBM
* Duane Buss - Novell
* George Sanchez - Serena
* Greg Byrd - NCSU/IBM
* Jeff Broberg CA
* Jim Sermersheim - Novell
Markus Sabedello
Mary Ruddy - Parity/SocialPhysics
* Mike McIntosh - IBM
* Nataraj Nagaratnam - IBM
Paul Trevithick - Parity/SocialPhysics
Paula Austel - IBM
* Tom Doman - Novell
* Tony (The Wolf) Old-McNadalin - IBM
Uppili Srinivasan - Oracle
* Valery Kokhan - Parity Ukraine
* Present

* Status of architectural convergence of components implementing HBX through ICard store
** What's the next baby step we can take to move closer to convergence?
Tony: We need better detailed documentation that describe the HBX thru ICard store stacks of components we have today.  We have two. What are the roles/responsibilities (now and in the future)?  What has each impl done?  Are each applicable to each scenario we have?  Do we need one for each scenario?
Tony: Will foster a wiki page.  Will prod Abhi, Andy for information input. Page will gather the current state and then be used to drive any needed re-architecture, and finally convergence toward that.
* Proposed Configuration Layout for Context Providers
Tom: Not sure we can resolve anything on the call. Still need to read last few messages.  Need to re-review XRI stuff.
Mike: What's a context?
Tom: All the contexts we can think of require config
Mike: Imagine a context full of data from differing backing stores
Raj: There's config of a context provider into the framework, then there's config of a specific CP.
Brian: use case: we wanted to set up a CP that is backed by data in two different ldap servers.
Tom: use two contexts
Jim: in the future we could also front them with a joining provider
Mike: a CP is nothing more than a unit of code <group agreement>
<discussion around allowing multiple CP configs for a given CP>
Raj: We need to keep the user experience in mind. Too many config UI panels will be confusing.
Brian: Where does the abstraction happen? What hides the notion of objectclass in an LDAP store?
Jim: IdAS.  This happens at the IdAS layer and is (should be) handled in the CP, typically by using rules in the context config.
* IdAS Model: We need to add update ability. Consider using metadata to convey model.
Jim: Will send email on thoughts

Hold over action items
* Paul: Review component wiki pages and provide feedback
* Mary: Put the agreed weekly IRC schedule up on the wiki
* All: Review Paul's updated version of Markus' discovery draft and provide comments
* Tony: Itemize needed items not covered by the latest OSP
* All Component owners: review their components with respect to discovery needs.
* Topic for another call, general process for refactoring packages
New action items
* Tony: build a wiki and prod owners for info (see "next baby step" above)
* Jim: send thoughts on model as metadata.

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