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RE: [higgins-dev] build input directories

Mike wrote
> Looking for comments.

> As was discussed in the F2F, this will eventually result in each project
> potentially duplicating jars that other projects also use.
> The alternative discussed during the F2F was to create separate projects
> in CVS for each dependent jar.
> Using a large PSF file we could ensure that each project downloaded what
> they needed and each jar would only be checked in once.

Yes. Eclipse best practice is (I believe) to create a separate eclipse
plug-in project for each third party library. This basically means creating
a new plugin project, adding the jar and creating a MANFEST.MF file. Then
eclipse projects can then declare themselves to be dependent on these OTHER
eclipse projects. 

> Additionally, the Eclipse Orbit project could hold these dependent jar
> projects for us.

Yes. And to add these "plugin-wrapped" third party jars to Orbit is easy.
> Thanks,
> Mike
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