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[higgins-dev] Notes from Jan 18th Higgins call

Tom, Andy, Gerry, Mary, Paul, Valery, Brian, Raj, Daniel, Jeff, Heather,
Dale, Jim, George


1) Review action items
2) Review agenda for F2F

3) Build process improvement update

Do people like the new source packaging at:
tml or do they need something different?

The new instructions for triggering builds can be found at
process, we still need to add information on build log files. We can keep
about 5 builds around before they need to be archived.

Currently the new manifest has the following information: 
  a. Component: org.eclipse.higgins.idas project
  b. Build type:   N
  c. Build number: N20070115
  d. Build date:   January 15, 2007
  e. Build time:   05:00  (hour and minute)

Discussion on 1)
Paul: The beginnings of a component owner's template is covered as part of

Discussion on 2)

<we walked through the F2F agenda (see link above)>

Tom: we're going to meet and flesh out tomorrow some more items to add

Heather: You might want to add W3C to the list of Higgins Related

Jim: there are some IdAS things that keep coming up, and get put on the back
Tom: On the privacy and data policy, I think Duane is very interested. Put
his name on this.

Jim: When does it end on the 26th?

Mary: Mid-day (i.e. no lunch)

Jim: The nightly build is a good thing, but the issues around that are
resolving themselves fairly nicely. But it doesn't seem like anybody's on
the same page of how we check things out and build. On any given day 2 out
of three don't work. So deciding how to be more consistent in how we build
things. This will minimize the number of build mechanisms we need to
maintained. I think it is going to get into a lot of other issues, e.g.

Jim: We'll take an action item to flesh out the developer day agenda.

Paul: <mentions the JVM 1.4 topic>

Heather: the motivation for moving back to JVM 1.4 is that most enterprise
customers are back a rev or two, so we really need this

Pat: Yes, we have the same issues

Jim: We're not even sure if it is worth exploring, but do we want to think
about having 2 variants. Maybe a shim between the two?

Dale: the ability to compile to binary can affect this conversation. My
understanding is that the GCJ is also spotty in even 1.4 support. 

Discussion on 3)

Mary: There have been some additional build process enhancements (see

Daniel: what is

Mary: the page has the date at the top of the page. The other enhancement
that is a manifest file (see above). 

Daniel: Will this include the dependencies? 

Mary: We don't have this. We need to talk a lot more about that.

Daniel: I was referring to external dependencies that are used in the build.

Mary: I understand that the wiki lists are not guaranteed to be up-to-date

Mary: The middle item (above) is how you can trigger the build process. 

Daniel: Rather than just instructions, what about a link

Valery: This is impossible to trigger the build from a link because it runs
on another serve. We need to talk to Eclipse folks.

Daniel: How about build status?

Mary: We're still working on that

Jim: On this topic: I don't know if this is needed or not, but does anyone
see the need to keep a stack of these?

Mary: We only have room for about 5 of these 

Jim: E.g. if someone grabbed just the .jar and then later wanted the source
Heather: How hard is it to get at something that has been archived? What we
do is we keep the last 3 nightly builds, last 3 production builds. And there
is always a pointer to the last successful build.

Heather: Our developers usually saved a copy themselves too. 

George (from Serena): Can we add the ALF and coordination

Valery: I want to proceed on the proposal on the Display Data contained 2
proposals: One on the API changes and one on the data model changes. 

Paul: Are there any objections?

Jim: I've been agreeing with the need for these things. Our LDAP Context
Provider didn't give us any experience under the model package. These will
be added to IContext and IDigitalSubject.


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