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[higgins-dev] Notes from Jan 4th Higgins call

*** See action items at the end of this note.
Attendees: Mary, Mike, Jeff, Andy, Valery, Paul, Duane, Brian, Greg, Tony,
Gerry, Dale

Mary: Happy new year to all!
Mary: Ahbi is starting to implement our policy classes for the ISS and the
basic functions of the RP Protocol Support class.  He is also trying to get
our idemix credential library committed into cvs.  At present, the problem
is that the code must pass an IP Triage since it contains crypto, this item
is in the IPzilla queue.

Greg: just sent an email out about the registry before this meeting, we
would appreciate feedback

- trying to work on config issues re STS
- with help from Valery we now have java installed on the
- sent an email to Eclipse webmaster to get SSL port unblocked from
firewall, but so far no response in 3 weeks
- in the meantime I'm installing LDAP on that machine
- have tried to email to that AOL guy to help him, but he's not responded
- Daniel: question for Mike: have you had a chance to look at that other
kind of user cred
- Mike: yes, I've also been working on how to configure the security policy
to support this additional credential type. Making progress. The problem is
we'll still get to a point where we need to open up the LDAP using something
other than un/pw. I think we need to put on the agenda: How open a Context
using these four different credential types that CS supports. ...discussion
of CardSpace token types...
- Mary: okay let's put it on the agenda as the special topic for next week’s
dev call.

- Mary: there is a big queue, 140 entries higgins is ~6% of these. They are
looking at our entries now. After it gets out of triage and the process can
take a few days to several weeks depending on the item.
- Paul: best practice if you are pretty sure you will need a third party
library is to get it into the IPzilla queue early. We’ve done this with Sxip
Apache OpenID java library

Higgins Website 
– Mary: have moved Events links to website from wiki

Events: RSA
- Mary: please everyone put items on the wiki to plan the agenda for the F2F
in Provo
- Marey: Novell is working on a demo related to Liberty and Higgins for RSA
- Dale: Yes. It is up in the air right now exactly what we'll do; something
similar to IIW, but want to prominently display Higgins and OSIS. RSA is a
bit more Liberty and vendor focused. It is an opportunity to demonstrate
using a card to auth to Novell's Liberty Access Manager. 
- DalE: Further out we'd like to show a SAML context provider to IdAS. So
that the STS/CardGenerator could generate a card from SAML data.
- Gerry: I would like to help out with this
- Mary: What about OpenID
- Dale: We'd also like to show using a card to auth to an OpenID server
- Dale: Any touchpoint between Higgins/CardSpace and Liberty at all would be
seen as great
- Dale: the OSIS stuff wants to stay focused to a small set of protocols
- Paul: ...talked about interop issues,, work harmonizing
higgins.owl with OpenID attribute exchange proposals
- ...some discussion about how OpenID adoption/exposure is rapidly growing
and how important it is for us to find ways to embrace it

- Mary mentioned EclipseCon and the need for a short talk proposal
- Brian: we are most likely wanting to submit a proposal
- Mary: one long talk on the business track was accepted
- Mary: someone should submit a short talk on Higgins 
– Paul: Okay, I'll do so
- Paul: Speaking of Eclipse, we've still not done much on the RCP/Higgins
platform integration
- Tony: still some pieces missing, once the required RCP hooks are there,
then we can raise the priority

Events: EclipseWorld Nov Reston VA
- Mary mentioned about this event and the 4/13 deadline for proposals
- Tony: And there is also Internet2 in Feb 11-14 
- Greg is going to propose a talk for Internet2

Mary: special topic for today is builds/packaging
- Mary: now our daily builds have hour and minutes. And we've now got the
beginnings of the triggering mechanism
- Daniel: there are two things we need: (1) a button to trigger it and (2) a
button to look at the status of it (e.g. did the build success are there
errors). What if it fails?
- Valery: if you fail, there will be special image on the build page.
- Paul: could there be a link to the log?
- Daniel: yes, that would be good
- Daniel: would rather that the source was not in the jar but in a zip or
tar file 
- Daniel: we need a manifest of all of the dependencies
- Daniel: when you build you import various JARS and we need to know what
these are
- Daniel/Dale: most of the motivation
- Paul: Eclipse is going along a parallel path, need to learn from this
- Daniel: we'll continue to work on improvements from our end
- Daniel: what about packaging up the source? do we have an estimate on that
- Mary: not yet. We'll work on this
- Daniel: what about special builds that we manually trigger. What's the
policy of keeping them around. 
- Daniel: when we were putting the demo together, Mike built the STS a lot
of times. The question is the last one he does. I'd like to be able to get
back to the IIW demo but I don't think I can. Looking for a way to keep an
IIW type build around too. 
- Mike: could we do a CVS label as part of the build process?
- Daniel: good idea, but I'd still like to have a build

Build Day on Jan 23rd in Provo
- Mike: One more suggestion. I'd like to go to the F2F a day early
(23rd) where developers get in a room. A working developer day.
- Dale: we can come up with a room and facilities
- Mike: there are so many odds and ends that I need to iron out it will take
a full day
- Dale: need a sense of how many people if there will be more than 5
- Mike: Start after lunch on the 23rd and continue to the start of the F2F

Action Items
- All: Next call is January 11 at 12:00 EST
- All: of us to review Greg's new registry proposal
- Paul: write a short talk proposal for EclipseCon 
- Mary: take today's feedback on automated builds and continue development. 
- Mary: explore what Eclipse is doing for automated builds to non-Eclipse
environments/package managers (RPM, Debian, etc.)
- Dale: prepare for 5+ folks for "build day" (jan 23)

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