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RE: [higgins-dev] Sameness of Contexts

Proposed definition of Context “sameness”


Two Contexts are considered to be the same (equal) if:

1.    They use the same schema.

2.    They share the same auth policy.

3.    To a given user (and thus subject to the same authorization policy), they present the same data instances (the same Digital Subjects, Identity Attributes, Subject Relationships, etc)


By this definition:


-  ex1 != ex2 because of #3 above

-  ex2 = ex3 = ex4

-  ex4 != ex5 because ex5 does not at all times satisfy #3 above (and we don’t have any notion of versioning)




Jim wrote:


We've mentioned the notion of two providers being used to access the same Context a number of times. It makes me ask myself what constitutes sameness among contexts.


Referring to the context examples at the bottom of this mail, I don't know which are the same context, and which are different:


ex1 and ex2 both use LDAP, both start at the same place in the LDAP server's tree, both use the same AuthN materials. Difference is vendor. Let's say the IBM provider maps attributes quite differently than the Novell provider, and the Novell provider follows referrals whereas the IBM provider cannot, thus it's view of the tree is chopped. These may look quite different from the IdAS consumer's POV.




ex2 and ex3 differ only in protocol. Let's say both present the data model exactly the same and have the same capabilities.


ex4 uses different AuthN materials, with the implication being that a different set of data will be exposed (anon cannot see privileged data).


ex5 points to a different host. It's assumed that this host is a replica of The only problem is that replication between these two hosts is loosely consistent. There's no guaranty that the data is ever exactly the same among replicas.


Maybe we're saying a context is defined by its Context Reference (URI). So, whatever the URI contains or points at must be what constitutes a context. If that's the case, we're back to the "what's in the URI?" question




Provider Implementor = IBM

Factory = IBM LDAP factory

Protocol = LDAP

Host =

Base = ou=employees.dc=ibm,dc=com

AuthN = superuser and credentials



Provider Implementor = Novell

Factory = Novell LDAP factory

Protocol = LDAP

Host =

Base = ou=employees.dc=ibm,dc=com

AuthN = superuser and credentials



Provider Implementor = Novell

Factory = Novell NDAP factory (NOTE: different protocol, same backing data)

Protocol = NDAP

Host =

Base = ou=employees.dc=ibm,dc=com

AuthN = superuser and credentials



Provider Implementor = Novell

Factory = Novell LDAP factory

Protocol = LDAP

Host =

Base = ou=employees.dc=ibm,dc=com

AuthN = anon



Provider Implementor = Novell

Factory = Novell LDAP factory

Protocol = LDAP

Host =

Base = ou=employees.dc=ibm,dc=com

AuthN = superuser and credentials

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