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Re: [higgins-dev] Weekly higgins-dev conference call

I can make it, thought I will be calling in from my cell phone.
This is a great idea.  The discussions have been good on the mailing list but this will speed it up.  I would also like to sponsor these calls some of the times.  If you make a schedule just sign us up to sponsor every other or every 3rd time. 
>>> "Paul Trevithick" <paul@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 3/29/2006 8:20 am >>>

Higgins folk,


I would like to propose a weekly conference call for Higgins to coordinate our development work. Let me know if you can attend the first one tomorrow at 5PM ET because I'll need to know the number of lines to reserve at


The agenda for this first one will likely be a bit fluid, but at least I'd like to start roughing out the work areas. I've taken a first stab at some of them here this is something we could begin to add to, reorganize, refine, etc. as we better understand who is willing to work on what.



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