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[hibachi-dev] Initial Hibachi Termination Review Document

Attached are my first drafts of the Hibachi Termination Review Document, for our review. I suggest the following schedule:

      now to 12/13: PMC and Hibachi committers/project lead to review the documents. Send any edits or additions to me (or either mailing list) and I'll include them in the final draft.

     12/13: In one week, I'll send final document to EMO for distribution to the entire Eclipse community (via the normal processes) and ask for an end-of-review period around mid-January. Suggestions welcome,

Tom, as project lead, if you would like to include any "parting words" about lessons learned, or reasons for "not achieving critical mass" that'd be appropriate and interesting.  From reading between the lines, I get the impression it was just changing business priorities (which is fine and normal and doesn't need to be detailed) but if there was anything about Eclispe, its processes, community, etc., that made it hard or uninteresting, that would be useful to know and good to document in the Termination Review document.

If any "friends of ADA" have questions about the process, feel free to ask on hibachi-dev list (members of the PMC monitory that list and can answer there).


Attachment: HibachiTerminationReview.odt
Description: Binary data

Attachment: HibachiTerminationReview.pdf
Description: Binary data

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