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RE : [hibachi-dev] Ada83 Support

Hello Kay,

There are no current plans to support specific Ada83 toolchains. We have had requests to add support, so it is a "possible" future feature, but realistically, it is unlikely that it will be included in the project roadmap. We are of course more than willing to accept the functionality as a contribution, and provide coaching should someone wish to develop it.


De : hibachi-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [hibachi-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] de la part de Kay Timmermann [Kay.Timmermann@xxxxxx]
Date d'envoi : mercredi 2 juillet 2008 09:14
À : hibachi-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Objet : [hibachi-dev] Ada83 Support


it was mentioned that Future Features would include a Ada83 Support. Now my Question is if this Support is allready included or when it will be. If not i am also interested to include it.

Best Regards
hibachi-dev mailing list

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