Hi Christian,
I was checking the example:
<true*>nu X.<left.right.release>X on dining philosopher state space and encountered the below error.
[12:41:15 error] no action release with 0 parameters is declared (while typechecking UntypedAction(release,[]))
[12:41:15 error] while typechecking TEMPORARILY PRINT AN ATERM StateNu(X,[],StateMay(RegSeq(UntypedActMultAct([UntypedAction(left,[])]),RegSeq(UntypedActMultAct([UntypedAction(right,[])]),UntypedActMultAct([UntypedAction(release,[])]))),StateVar(X,[])))
[12:41:15 error] could not type check modal formula TEMPORARILY IN ATERM FORMATStateMay(RegTransOrNil(ActTrue),StateNu(X,[],StateMay(RegSeq(UntypedActMultAct([UntypedAction(left,[])]),RegSeq(UntypedActMultAct([UntypedAction(right,[])]),UntypedActMultAct([UntypedAction(release,[])]))),StateVar(X,[])))
I observed that the size of the *.PBES file is Zero. So I feel there is some problem on pbes file generation.
Could you please let me know what is the problem or if I have missed out anything ??
Environment: Windows 7, mCRL2 tool.