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[henshin-dev] Editor updates

Hi all,

we have some updates for the Henshin editors. Both editors now have an extra page for importing packages. The graphical editor now supports different color modes. To change the color mode, click on the Appearance tab in the Properties View of a Henshin diagram. Currently there are 3 modes: Default, Paper (B/W), Paper (Color). The last two are useful if you want to use the rules / units as figures in a paper (recall that you can export to PDF and other formats by clicking on File -> Save as Image File).

If you want to define new color modes, that's easy. They are defined in simple properties files in the colorModes directory in the model edit plug-in. Just copy one of the existing files and adjust it. Feel free to add color modes.


Attachment: color-modes-prop.png
Description: PNG image

Attachment: color-modes.png
Description: PNG image

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