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[henshin-dev] Specifying the number of unit/rule applications with parameters


I noticed that it would be a useful feature to support the specification of the number of applications of transformation units or rules by parameters. I think Felix also had this idea a while ago. To be clear, I do not want to introduce CountedUnit again, but a way to specify the number of applications using a parameter. This would be very useful, e.g. in the comb pattern example (I can also imagine other scenarios where this would be useful).

This could be a way of doing it: we add a String attribute "applications" to TransformationUnit. If it is set, it will be evaluated using the JavascriptEngine (using the specified parameter values), which should return an integer n. Then the rule or unit is tried to be n times. The application returns true if it could be applied n times, false otherwise.

For example, if I want to apply a rule n^2 times, I could just add a parameter "n" and set the applications attribute to "n*n".


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