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[hawkbit-dev] How to add a software artifact to an existing distribution


I'd like to get a confirmation to what I understood up-to-now regarding

HawkBit expects to to get with each distribution for a device the full
set of software artifacts being managed, right? It is up to the device
to decide if the artifacts have to be upgraded or not.

Or let me formulate it differently:
1. Distribution Dist_A has some firmware Frmw_v1.0.
2. To provision an application App_v1.0 on top of Frmw_v1.0, a 2nd
version of the distribution Dist_B containing Frmw_v.10 and App_v1.0 has
to be created and offered to the device.
3. The HawkBit client on the device should know that it has already
Frmw_v1.0 and it only needs App_v1.0 on top of it.

Did I get it right?

Best regards,
Silvano Cirujano Cuesta

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