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Re: [handly-dev] [] Git client vulnerability on Windows, Mac

I have updated Handly tools ('.p2f' files) to include EGit 3.4.2.

Please update your JGit & EGit if you are on Windows or Mac OS X.


> From: Denis Roy <denis.roy@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> Greetings!
> You may be aware of a vulnerability which affects Git clients on Windows 
> and Mac:
> The article mentions that jGit is affected as well, and that jGit has 
> issued a maintenance release,  but I'm not sure what happens in 
> Eclipse-land since the jGit web page doesn't mention a single thing, and 
> I cannot find anything in Bugzilla.
> I was only able to find this 2-year-old bug related to the issue:
> I believe jGit is bundled in all our Eclipse packages that contain eGit, 
> so I will cc the Eclipse Security team.  If the jGit team has more 
> information, or if I'm ridiculously off-base on this, please feel free 
> to add more info.
> While I have your attention, I'd like to wish everyone a festive holiday 
> season. Matt and I will be casually monitoring Bugzilla inboxes to make 
> sure everything is working smoothly during the holiday shutdown.
> Denis
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