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[grizzly-dev] Grizzly 1.9.64 Glassfish 3.1.2 WebSocketEngine.register(WebSocketApplication) deprected

I am setting up a websocket using Grizzly 1.9.64 on Glassfish 3.1.2 with Spring 3.

All the examples I have found on the net are using WebSocketEngine.register(WebSocketApplication), which is deprecated and instructs to use the WebSocketEngine.register(String, String, WebSocketApplication) version instead.

When using the deprecated version, the web socket connection works just fine. I have been trying to use this non-deprecated version, but its not working, and their is no documentation on why one was deprecated and why to use the other method.

Any insights, documentation or a working example would be much appreciated. I have spent 2 days trying to get anything useful.

Thank you.

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