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Re: [graphiti-dev] Separation between IDiagramContainer and IDiagramContainerUI

If I understand you clearly, that's the list of methods you propose moving down _to_ IDiagramContainerUI, right? If so, I'd add refreshTitleToolTip from IDiagramEditor, and I'm not really sure what to do with refreshPalette, since it's both a graphical issue and a behavior one.

Though I believe this is something we need doing, I'd give it less priority than the current refactoring effort. If changing this provokes any kind of trouble, I'd postpone it.

2013/3/5 Wenz, Michael <michael.wenz@xxxxxxx>

Hi Félix,


I checked the methods that are part of the interfaces and see the following methods from IDiagramContainerUI as candidates to move down:

-          Lifecycle methods (we already have isDirty)

o   Close

o   doSave

o   isAlive

o   updateDirtyState

-          Title

o   getTitle


What would we additionally need from DiagramEditor?

-          Refresh

o   refreshContent

-          Title

o   getTitleToolTip


This looks more consistent to me although it still mingles technical aspects. I would be reluctant to move too many methods down to IDiagramContainer and also to IDiagramContainerUI, at least for the first step.


What do you think?



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