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Re: [gmf-dev] GMF future on Kepler: Tycho and Git

Hi Aurelien,

On 09/19/2012 04:29 PM, Aurélien Pupier wrote:
move GMF-Runtime and GMF-Notation to GIT
It's just a matter of opening a bug against Community/Git.

@GMF-Tooling guys: I think GMF-Tooling is ready, right?
Yes, GMF-Tooling is ready.

GMF-Runtime Tycho build is almost ok for trunk:
Still need some information of where to push update site and fix 4 tests.
For GMF Tooling, we use modeling/gmp/gmf-tooling/updates/dev-snapshots/<branch-name>/ . branch-name can refer to Git branch name, but we generally use aliases (3.0.x-maintenance -instead of R3_0_maintenance-, 3,1 -instead of master-...). Then we manually move the snapshots we like to the release url when we're happy with it.
It's comfortable to use.

Mickael Istria
Eclipse developer at JBoss, by Red Hat
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