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Re: [gmf-dev] Re: [modeling-pmc] Re: [m2t-dev] Xpand OCL component proposal (code migration)

(forwarding to the GMF-dev mailing)

Going back to the GMF patches, indeed Jonathan had the wrong numbers in mind, sorry for that.
Beyond that, I get the feedback from people from my teams that it takes quite long to have patches accepted under GMF, not necessarily the ones from Obeo. I do not want to be aggressive at all on that and we may have false impression.

But the thing is that we are working quite a lot with the GMF technology at Obeo for several customers as well as for Papyrus and Topcased, and because of this impression that it's difficult to get patches accepted, people tend to develop stuff to improve GMF without trying to raise a bug and submit a patch, which is definitely not a good habit.
What's your view on that ?

Anyway, because of all the work we are doing under GMF, I am trying to push people to get back on the right track and to provide more and more patches to GMF when it makes sense. We would then also be quite interested to get a GMF committer at some point, we could help to integrate patches as well as developing new features, do you think that it would be possible ?

Obeo CEO
Eclipse board member

Jonathan MUSSET a écrit :

One of the Obeo guys sent me an email to say that 4 bugs were submitted and not 10 ;-)
For MTL and QVTO, You're right... It isn't available at the moment
But, We need a small part of QVTO (Functions)... It isn't a blocker point. We can already define queries.
We have made a lot of work since the beginning of the year... The documentations are coming soon.
MTL is not ready for your needs. Xpand is ready. Let's us create our community. The first version will be available in September.
I hope that your contribution will be integrated into Xpand, as an alternative of the navigation syntax...



Richard Gronback a écrit :
(narrowing list, as I'm sure the EMO and Bjorn have little interest in

Hi Jonathan,

I'm really interested to understand what you see as easier in
Xpand/Xtend/_expression_-language as compared to OCL + QVTO.  I get the
impression that few have looked at QVTO recently to see what it can offer
beyond the OCL in this context.  I don't believe MTL actually uses QVTO,
does it?  Either way, I feel the combination of Xpand with OCL/QVTO provides
the best overall M2T solution.  Hopefully, I'm not alone ;)  Maybe we just
need to let Alex & Artem finish their work and then provide a demonstration?

Also, I'd appreciate some help identifying the outstanding GMF patches you
mention.  I'm assuming "we" is Obeo?  In that case, I see 3 bugs: one with a
patch submitted in January; one with a patch re: code style submitted 2
weeks ago; the third patch was submitted on the 15th of this month.  Note
that I only searched for bugs submitted that included 'obeo' in the ID.


On 8/26/08 12:26 PM, "Jonathan MUSSET" <jonathan.musset@xxxxxxx> wrote
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