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[gmf-dev] Broken link Bugzillas against our documentation

Hi Team,

In case you are wondering why we all of a sudden got a ton of Bugzillas about broken links in our documentation. The work was done by one of the members of an Eclipse test team here at IBM (Matthew Mazaika).

    Hey Anthony!

    To find the broken links, I had installed every component and made sure their respective help files were available through the help system. I completely expanded the table of contents (I couldn't find a quick way to just expand the entire table of contents, so I literally had to click through everything), giving me a link to every help page, and then fed those URLs into Xenu's LinkSleuth. Since these URLs included every page in the help system, I didn't have search deeper than one link deep (otherwise it could potentially span out indefinitely). Since Eclipse's help system displays a generic "page cannot be found" instead of a "404 Error" I had to remove the "page_not_found.html" file from the "" plugin to make sure Xenu would report the broken link. Once Xenu finished running, I scanned through the results and then manually raised a Bugzillas for any of the "not found" links.

    Unfortunately, the process I went through was a very manual and tedious one. As a result of the Bugzillas that I have raised, I've noticed that TPTP runs some sort of link check as part of their smoke test ( It think it would be a great idea for all teams to implement some sort of automated link checking into their build process. This shouldn't be too much overhead, especially seeing how at least one of the teams has something like this at their disposal.

Anthony Hunter mailto:anthonyh@xxxxxxxxxx
Software Development Manager: Eclipse Open Source Components
IBM Rational Software: Aurora / GMF / Modeling Tools
Phone: 613-270-4613

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