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[gmf-dev] Diagram generation compilation error

after the diagram generation i got among all classes one that do not compile -
The cause is the following method:
private static DocumentRoot createDocumentRoot(DocumentRoot model) {
  DocumentRoot docRoot = ScaFactory.eINSTANCE.createDocumentRoot();
  docRoot.setDocumentRoot(model); // FIXME name of the set method is pure guess
  return docRoot;
FIXME is also generated, and in DocumentRoot is for sure no setter method for DocumentRoot itself... it seems like a bug for me. Is this a known issue or should I create a bugzilla?
Best regards,
K. Kondarev


Krassimir Kondarev

Software Developer

SAP Labs Bulgaria

xApps BG CAF Core

Tel: +359 2 9157 118

Mail: krassimir.kondarev@xxxxxxx


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