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[gmf-dev] Hierarchy, nested to work?

Title: Hierarchy, nested to work?

I have 1-2 tutorials experience in GMF.

How could I get generator for some hierarchy model?

I have no examples to read ant start.

I have just "flat" diagram example without nested objects and this is not enough.

For example I have model that consists hierarchy structure of objects with containment relationships.

And I need diagram representation for that.

But eclipse's MAPcreation wizard seems does not handle compound structures, at lease I have no success to create hierarchy diagram generator.

Map wizard just points on highest level element marking it as Node , I can't map contained nodes and I have no idea how to represent very simple xsd schema, which contains only 3 levels of nested elements.

Or may be it is JMG Graph model wizard is not compatible to handle Hierarchy? Or may be I need to know how to live without wizards...

Is it possible (I suppose yes) to create hierarchy diagram (diagram, where I can display hierarchy of objects and traverse from containing object to contained object adding new objects and removing them)?

Could you suggest some tips to read or examples to start? Thanks a  lot!



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