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[gmf-dev] Class "org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.diagram.ui.commands.EtoolsProxyCommand"

Eclipse 3.2 final

I am trying the part 2 tutorial( I can see a class, "org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.diagram.ui.commands.EtoolsProxyCommand" which is not found in my GMF version. Googling points me that this class was removed. Can someone suggest

a) What is the alternative for that in the diagram code (org.eclipse.gmf.examples.mindmap.diagram)?
b) Are there java docs for GMF
c) One off topic question though, is this the right forum to be asking GMF related "technical do-how" or should i ask it in the news group. (Note that most people, me included may not have access to news group servers :) )

Kannan Ekanath
-- You aint any expert, if you are - "PROUD"

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