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[gmf-dev] GMF 1.0 RC2 posted
Please note a new dependency on Apache Xerces, required for Batik and can be installed from the 'Enabling Features' category of the Callisto update sites: and soon at
This was a last-minute change and I'd like to find a way to make this dependency optional:  Otherwise, we'll need to adjust the build to bundle WTP's Xerces feature (but NOT build it as we did with the properties view).  Update manager makes all of this much simpler (hint).
As I posted to the newsgroup: I'd recommend installing GMF and its dependencies using the Callisto update site under the 'Models and Model Development' category.  Simply select GMF and press 'Select Required'.  The staging site has been tested for 1.0RC2 successfully.
Some configuration changes were made to the build as mentioned previously, and which have yet to be propogated to the build machine in Prague.  Max or I will update the machine on Monday, so please ignore failed build notices for now.
Finally, I noticed a bug in the GMFGraph Wizard when running throught the tutorial (which is not fully updated for RC2): 

Richard C. Gronback

Borland Software Corporation


+1 860 227 9215



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