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[gmf-dev] Bugzilla report

Hi All,

Just a reminder of what's currently listed in Bugzilla under RC (and some from M6).  I've also added new milestone targets for 1.0 RC2-RC5.

ID Sev Pri Plt Assignee Status Resolution Summary
109422 nor P1 All cmahoney@xxxxxxxxxx ASSI
Deprecated API usage
110725 nor P3 PC tmacdoug@xxxxxxxxxx ASSI
Moving node onto path of edge with avoid-obstructions doe...
111897 enh P3 PC tmacdoug@xxxxxxxxxx ASSI
No accelerators for line styles or zoom
112063 maj P3 All anthonyh@xxxxxxxxxx NEW
Runtime documentation needs clean up
112818 enh P1 PC anthonyh@xxxxxxxxxx NEW
Generic Project Explorer Framework for GMF
114107 enh P3 All artem.tikhomirov@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW
[req] Provide a GMF Project wizard
114175 enh P3 All dstadnik@xxxxxxxxxxx ASSI
[req] Allow a diagram definition to be mapped to zero or ...
114181 enh P3 All artem.tikhomirov@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW
[req] Provide a Graphical Definition wizard
114182 enh P4 All artem.tikhomirov@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW
[req] Provide a graphical definition wizard with "intervi...
114186 enh P3 All gmf.generation-inbox@eclips... NEW
[req] Provide mapping model wizard.
114201 enh P3 All dstadnik@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW
[req] Utilize extensibility options in code generation
116080 enh P1 PC mmostafa@xxxxxxxxxx ASSI
Investigate removal of complex schema from diagram services
119465 nor P3 PC dstadnik@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW
Support for Diagram Partitioning
119649 maj P1 PC steveshaw@xxxxxxxxxx NEW
Conflict between AWTand SWT trying to access X11 graphics...
123112 enh P3 PC cmahoney@xxxxxxxxxx ASSI
Tutorial: Creating diagram assistants for an action-bar
125459 nor P3 PC anthonyh@xxxxxxxxxx NEW
Ecore editor : EClass Generalization problem across two ...
125674 nor P3 All cdamus@xxxxxxxxxx NEW
It should be possible to specify name attribute for the d...
126202 nor P3 PC dstadnik@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW
Use EditHelpers instead of overriding SemanticCreationPolicy
128426 enh P3 PC steveshaw@xxxxxxxxxx ASSI
Tutorial: GMF diagram runtime tutorial and example for SV...
129676 enh P3 PC anthonyh@xxxxxxxxxx NEW
Allow the association of diagrams to arbitrary domain
130220 maj P3 PC mmostafa@xxxxxxxxxx NEW
notation.genmodel specifies incorrect Model Plug-in ID
131094 maj P2 PC cbmcgee@xxxxxxxxxx NEW
Sweep Code for EReference.isMany() calls
133505 maj P1 PC mmostafa@xxxxxxxxxx NEW
Refactor CanonicalConnectionEditPolicy to update connecti...
134103 min P3 All tmacdoug@xxxxxxxxxx NEW
Label and it's parent node flash a number of times when s...
134115 nor P3 All dstadnik@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW
Invert label text colour when it is selected
134116 min P3 All steveshaw@xxxxxxxxxx NEW
GEF specific tool cursors look ugly on MacOS X
134119 nor P3 All gmf.templates-inbox@eclipse... NEW
It should be possible to change link label font
134120 min P3 All steveshaw@xxxxxxxxxx NEW
Invalid connection feedback is shown temporarily while cr...
134496 maj P3 All mfeldman@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW
Build procedure fails with "Timeout: killed the sub-process"
134503 nor P3 PC steveshaw@xxxxxxxxxx NEW
References to incarnateView in "How-to" documentation
134724 maj P3 All mfeldman@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW
Build notes link on a GMF build download page
135545 maj P2 PC cdamus@xxxxxxxxxx NEW
The pathmaps preference page allows me to override path m...
135676 nor P3 PC ldamus@xxxxxxxxxx ASSI
Logic shapes example does not prevent illegal reconnections
135968 nor P1 PC mmostafa@xxxxxxxxxx ASSI
Thread safety of EditPart handleNotification
136110 min P3 PC ldamus@xxxxxxxxxx ASSI
Remove deprecated DiagramDocumentEditor and CreateViewRe...
136432 blo P3 All ldamus@xxxxxxxxxx ASSI
ElementTypeRegistry doesn't respect dynamic plug-in loading
136811 nor P3 All michael.golubev@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW
Shortcut properties should not be lost upon gmfgen model ...
136871 nor P3 All steveshaw@xxxxxxxxxx NEW
TextDirectEditManager does not allow to use WrapLabels wi...
136875 nor P3 All dstadnik@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW
[TaiPan] It should not be possible to start route link fr...
137155 maj P3 PC mmostafa@xxxxxxxxxx ASSI
DBCS3.2: DBCS note is not displayed on RHEL4
137749 nor P3 PC ldamus@xxxxxxxxxx ASSI
Transfer GEF Request's extended data into IEditCommandReq...
139274 maj P2 PC cbmcgee@xxxxxxxxxx NEW
Pathmaps preference page controls don't work properly wit...
139375 maj P2 PC cdamus@xxxxxxxxxx NEW
Unable to edit diagrams generated from XSD schemas
139736 nor P3 PC ldamus@xxxxxxxxxx ASSI
CreateElementCommand should return result that reflects t...


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