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[gmf-dev] [GMF - API CHANGE] Bugzilla#117537: Marking some interfaces as "not meant to be implemented by clients"

Hello everyone,
In an attempt to make our API more maintainable for the future, I would like to mark so of our runtime diagram's public interfaces as "not meant to be implemented by clients" so that we will be free to add more methods to these interfaces in the future if necessary.
These are the interfaces I was going to mark as "not meant to be implemented by clients" and a brief reason why.  Let me know if you are implementing any of these or see any reason why I should not do this.

oegr.diagram.core.providers.IViewProvider -- Subclass AbstractViewProvider instead.
oegr.diagram.core.view.factories.ViewFactory -- The interface itself isn't referenced anywhere so I see no point in a client subclassing it.
oegr.diagram.core.view.factories.DiagramFactory -- The interface itself isn't referenced anywhere so I see no point in a client subclassing it.
oegr.diagram.ui.actions.ActionIds -- Defines constants only.
oegr.diagram.ui.editpolicies.EditPolicyRoles -- Defines constants only.
oegr.diagram.ui.figures.DiagramColorConstants -- Defines constants only.
oegr.diagram.ui.preferences.IPreferenceConstants -- Defines constants only.
oegr.diagram.ui.requests.RequestConstants -- Defines constants only. -- Defines constants only. -- The service creates and uses the implementor internally.  No need to implement. -- No reason for clients to subclass.  Used by the editpart service only. -- Subclass the empty adapter class provided instead.
oegr.diagram.ui.render.ui.render.actions.ActionIds -- Defines constants only.


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