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RE: [gmf-dev] Integration Download

Just to follow up on this… I’ve created a prototypical “Get it all” update site here:  This is our old build machine that is essentially just a reporting site now, so feel free to hit it at will.


I tested it and it works fine, albeit a bit slow.  To reproduce this on the main update site (which is mirrored) is a simple matter, but overlaps somewhat with Callisto, as mentioned below.


See the attached image… by selecting the root of the site, you will get all of GMF and its M5 dependencies.  You need only start with the platform sdk.


- Rich



From: gmf-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:gmf-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Richard Gronback
Sent: Monday, February 20, 2006 5:01 PM
To: GMF Project developer discussions.
Subject: RE: [gmf-dev] Integration Download


Hi Anthony,


Easy? Very much so.  The right thing to do? I’m not so sure…


This would mean the upload and mirroring of many duplicate bits, to which I’m fundamentally opposed and would opt instead to better utilize the update manager.


How about 2 alternatives:


  1. For developers, utilize our build scripts to create a new integration target each week (see ‘createDevTarget’ in org.eclipse.gmf.releng.builder/scripts/install.xml – recently added).  This script uses versions defined in org.eclipse.gmf.releng/maps/build.cfg, and allows you to easily download and configure all of GMF’s dependencies (and could easily be extended to install GMF itself from our update site).  This has the side effect of (optionally) creating a local mirror in the process.  So, only one developer per group would need to run this script and download remotely, as the rest would install from the local mirror.  Right now, it’s intended for use by the build (and myself ;-), but could be made more fexible/friendly.
  2. For end users, I’d prefer we create a dummy “GMF-All” feature and add to our update site something to similar what is being done for Callisto.  This would allow a user with just a platform install to select a single feature that would include all of GMF and its dependencies, each downloaded via mirrors from their respective update site (OK, so not GEF yet for weekly integration builds).  This eliminates the need to duplicate bits on the download site and mirrors.  It would require some enhancement to our build in order to generate this site manifest, but is largely planned as we need to do something similar for Callisto anyway.


Do these seem reasonable?





From: gmf-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:gmf-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Anthony Hunter
Sent: Monday, February 20, 2006 5:42 PM
To: gmf-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [gmf-dev] Integration Download


Hi Richard,

When you create a new integration driver, you download the various Eclipse, GEF, EMF, EMFT, UML2, etc pieces.

Would it be possible to create one big zip with the this target and the All the GMF bits.

I think this was requested on the user newsgroup and would be beneficial for us to click one download link and get everything we could possibly need for that GMF Integration Build. This would save the developers some time each week when retargeting to the weekly integration target.

Is this any easy thing to do?

Anthony Hunter mailto:anthonyh@xxxxxxxxxx
Manager - Software Developer,
IBM Rational Software: Aurora Core Common / Modeling Tools
Phone: 613-591-7037

Attachment: mirror.png
Description: mirror.png

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