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[gmf-dev] [GMF - API CHANGE] Bugzilla#129803 : Added DiagramEditingDomainFactory

- Created DiagramEditingDomainFactory installs a listener on the editing domain so that the notation model can be updated as needed in response to events when the diagram editor is not open.  

- Added getInstance() method to GMFEditingDomainFactory and DiagramEditingDomainFactory.

New API Availability:


Old API Removal:


Bugzilla #129803

Clients Taken Care of:      

Other Clients' Action:

- Clients using GMF diagrams should create their editing domain using the DiagramEditingDomainFactory and not the GMFEditingDomainFactory.  The DiagramEditingDomainFactory installs a listener on the editing domain so that the notation model can be updated as needed in response to events when the diagram editor is not open.  If a client needs to specialize the editing domain, they can should subclass from DiagramEditingDomainFactory.

-   If clients were using GMFEditingDomainFactory.INSTANCE this would not create a GMFEditingDomainFactory instance.  Use getInstance() instead.



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