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[gmf-dev] [EMFT - API Change] Bugzilla 125684: Support creation of query

Description: The IOCLHelper and ExpressionsUtil types have new createQuery() methods mirroring the existing createInvariant() methods, to clarify the distinction between query expressions and constraint expressions.  Previously, non-boolean-valued query expressions could only be created by calling the createInvariant() methods, which doesn't make sense.  Moreover, createInvariant() did not check that the _expression_ is of boolean type because it was meant to be used for queries.

Both of these problems are fixed by this bugzilla, but it means an API change in the existing IOCLHelper.createInvariant() and ExpressionsUtil.createInvariant() methods.  They now throw OCLParsingExceptions on non-boolean expressions.
New API Availability: Next OCL build.
Old API Removal: No API removed; the precondition contract is changed.
Tracking: Bug 125684
Clients Migrated: EMFT (OCL examples, Query, Validation)
Other Clients' Actions: Replace usage of IOCLHelper.createInvariant() with IOCLHelper.createQuery() wherever the _expression_ string is not required to be boolean-valued.
Likewise for ExpressionsUtil.createInvariant().

Christian W. Damus
Aurora Core Model Services
IBM Rational Software
Tel: (613) 591-7937
-- If at first you do succeed, try to hide your astonishment.

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