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[gmf-dev] [EMFT - API Change] Bugzilla 125458: Use proper camel case for acronyms: Ocl -> OCL and Uml -> UML

Description: Types in the EMFT OCL parser/interpreter API, OCL Query API, and OCL Validation plug-in are renamed to conform to the EMF project's naming standard for common acronyms.  In particular, occurrences of "Ocl" are replaced by "OCL" and "Uml" by "UML", as described below.

The API changes are strictly renames; clients need only search-and-replace to adopt the changes.  No semantics have changed, otherwise.
New API Availability: Now, in build N200602131118.
Old API Removal: Now (had to be removed by M5).
Tracking: Bug 125458
Clients Migrated: None.
Other Clients' Actions: Rename old names to new names according to the following table:

Old Name New Name
OclExpression OCLExpression
OclMessageArg OCLMessageArg
OclMessageExp OCLMessageExp
OclState org.eclipse.emf.ocl.uml.OCLState
UmlFactory UMLFactory
UmlPackage UMLPackage
IOclHelper IOCLHelper
OclParsingException OCLParsingException
OclCondition OCLCondition
OclConstraintCondition OCLConstraintCondition

Additionally, the ocl.ecore and ocl.genmodel files in the org.eclipse.emf.ocl plug-in are renamed OCL.ecore and OCL.genmodel, respectively, and are moved from the src/model folder to a model folder at the root level of the plug-in.

Christian W. Damus
Aurora Core Model Services
IBM Rational Software
Tel: (613) 591-7937
-- If at first you do succeed, try to hide your astonishment.

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