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[gmf-dev] Copyright Updates tonight

Hello all,

I have completed a script that will perform copyright updates for all GMF java, xml and properties files and will be performing the changes tonight.


- The script iterates through all java, xml and properties files and replaces any existing copyright/copyright tag or adds a new one if it is not present.
- I used the copyright from the BugZ 77026 copyright attachment ( as my new copyright template
- I have tried to keep the formatting very neat and clean
- The original date stamp will be maintained
- I have tested that these changes do not cause compile errors.

Affected files:
Java 2599 (61 did not previously contain copyrights)
XML  107   (86 did not previously contain copyrights)
Properties 215 (164 did not previously conatin copyrights)

Please send me any suggestions or concerns that you may have,

Tom Macdougall
Tom Macdougall
Rational Modeling Platform Diagram Layer Software Developer
Rational Software | IBM Software Group
770 Palladium Drive, Kanata, ON, Canada, K2V 1C8
tel: 613.591.7960

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