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[glassfish-dev] question about which XML Binding 4.0 TCK job is used for validating that GlassFish still passes the TCK

I tried looking at the test results for and
noticed that the XML Binding TCK tests were not run.  I'm trying to
understand if this could be a problem with:

1.  The
job (I reran it this week and saw the same results but perhaps the
parameters need updating).
2.  The XML Binding 4.0 TCK.
3.  GlassFish.

Does anyone else know of a different CI job setup for validating that
GlassFish still passes the XML Binding TCK?  Perhaps GlassFish is
including a XML Binding implementation that has already passed the XML
Binding TCK in which case likely wouldn't need to run it again.


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