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Re: [glassfish-dev] ./glassfish6/glassfish/modules/jakarta.transaction-api.jar vs ./glassfish6/mq/lib/jakarta.transaction-api.jar

>> When looking in that zip to see if it had the current version of the staged Jakarta Transactions (I am assuming the weekly builds will have similar) then I can see two different versions of the Jar in there:
>> f474e2c8ec81824ccdca7059b5ff36b11fea2b3d514a439f0433c65e21167ad6  ./glassfish6/mq/lib/jakarta.transaction-api.jar
>> 21474b7ee0ad764c05d5ad0bc430e5e647cdeabc86cb587477a7eca5be6e584b  ./glassfish6/glassfish/modules/jakarta.transaction-api.jar
>> The modules one is what I expected, the mq one though is actually RC1.
>> I am not sure how to correct this, would anyone know?

1. Bump transaction-api in
2. wait for mq release
3. include new mq in gf


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