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Re: [glassfish-dev] Project Board


Great timing indeed, thx! 

I’ll try 20.3.1 out from source later tonight.

Kind regards,

On Wednesday, February 19, 2020, Jan Supol <jan.supol@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi Arjan,

That's right on time, we are just in the middle of Jersey 2.30.1 release.

We put the change in ( I took a defensive step towards HK2, just for sake, too.



On 19.02.2020 15:33, arjan tijms wrote:
Looks good Steve, thx!

Regarding the 6.0.0-SNAPSHOT issue, it currently fails on QuickLook tests after the CI issues have been fixed.

After a quick glance it seems to be a well know problem, comparable to what we saw in Payara when moving to version 5 and in MicroProfile with version CDI 2; it's the infamous OSGi protection against major version changes.

In this case it's jersey-gf-ejb.jar, which is protected against versions of GF having a major version number of 6 or higher. From its MANIFEST.MF:

Import-Package: com.sun.ejb.containers;version="[4.0,6)",com.sun.enter
 avax.interceptor;version="[1.2,2)",javax.naming, <;!!GqivPVa7Brio!LxFgyU458CXifMb8fndSZJ3Zi1UdANlok-_wELNQNrsn5V1NKuQ3Y5o8axTiHroQ$>;version="
 sey.server.spi;version="[2.28,3)", <;!!GqivPVa7Brio!LxFgyU458CXifMb8fndSZJ3Zi1UdANlok-_wELNQNrsn5V1NKuQ3Y5o8a_WQNra9$>
Require-Capability: <;!!GqivPVa7Brio!LxFgyU458CXifMb8fndSZJ3Zi1UdANlok-_wELNQNrsn5V1NKuQ3Y5o8a3tbKih9$>;filter:="(&( <;!!GqivPVa7Brio!LxFgyU458CXifMb8fndSZJ3Zi1UdANlok-_wELNQNrsn5V1NKuQ3Y5o8a3tbKih9$>=JavaSE)(version=1.8))"
Tool: Bnd-

I'll update the issue and cc jansupol

Kind regards,

On Wed, Feb 19, 2020 at 5:53 AM sawamura.hiroki@xxxxxxxxxxx <> <sawamura.hiroki@xxxxxxxxxxx <>> wrote:

    Hi Steve,

    Thank you for your suggestions, +1.

    About JDK 11 support,
    IMO, for the time being, I think it's better to create 1 issue for
     - each problems to be solved(such as #22874,#22878,...) and
     - each devtests(such as web_jsp, deployment_all, ejb_group_1,
    ejb_group_2, ejb_group_3...).
    And after the release of TCK 9.0.0, in addition, 1 issue for
     - each test suites(such as appclient, assembly, compat12,
    compat13, concurrency, connector...) and
     - each problems to be solved for passing TCKs.


    <>> On Behalf Of Steve
    Millidge (Payara)
    Sent: Wednesday, February 19, 2020 3:03 AM
    To: glassfish developer discussions <glassfish-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
    Subject: [glassfish-dev] Project Board

    I have created a project board

    My suggestion is we create issues for tasks required for the 6.0
    release and target them to the 6.0.0 milestone. We can then pull
    all the 6.0.0 milestone issues onto the project board and track
    progress that way.

    Ideas for first issues, of the top of my head, are;

    JDK 11 support.
    1 issue for incorporation of each api
    1 issue for each Compatible Implementation that GlassFIsh pulls in
    e.g Tyrus, Jersey etc.
    Analysis of the deployment subsystem and a series of issues of
    work in this area.
    1 issue for each spec compatible implementation that is a part of
    GlassFish e.g. Connectors, Enterprise Beans etc.



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