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Re: [glassfish-dev] GlassFish release plan?

Does it make sense to have milestones for each one of the "waves" being
integrated into GlassFish?

You can decide whether "integrated" means the corresponding APIs' TCKs
are also integrated into the platform TCK and pass, or whether passing
the platform TCK is a separate milestone.

Steve Millidge (Payara) wrote on 2/18/20 9:44 AM:
> In answer to one of Bill's more specific questions.
> The initial release plan for GlassFish 6.0.0 has been created here;!!GqivPVa7Brio!MzFqC6Wfy9Lb3fwxIXdc6Yv-rjmIyQZ3M_HYNyNZ4pH6SBe_sRIhCncPnee-VblHVg$  
> We need to decide a series of milestones and these can be added to the release plan above. 
> The release record at Eclipse can incorporate a lot of different information and I believe any committer can edit. There is a section for the overall plan. Individual Milestones can be added.
> Does anyone have ideas for an initial set of milestones?
> Steve
> -----Original Message-----
> From: glassfish-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx <glassfish-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx> On Behalf Of sawamura.hiroki@xxxxxxxxxxx
> Sent: 12 February 2020 05:11
> To: glassfish developer discussions <glassfish-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> Subject: Re: [glassfish-dev] GlassFish release plan?
> I think we can find the approximate action items in Issues and PRs issued to the eclipse-ee4j/glassfish project.
> But I know it doesn't cover all the progress and issues that need to be addressed for the 6.0.0. Also, there is no applicable article.
> I also think that we should get out of the current situation ASAP.
> Does anyone know how this project members did when they released 5.1.0?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: glassfish-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx <glassfish-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx> On Behalf Of Bill Shannon
> Sent: Saturday, February 8, 2020 7:15 AM
> To: glassfish developer discussions <glassfish-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> Subject: [glassfish-dev] GlassFish release plan?
> Back in the olden days, we would maintain a wiki page that had all sorts of information on the current GlassFish release, such as what the milestones were, what dates they were expected to occur on, what they were expected to contain, etc.
> I now have a specific question about the current GlassFish release and I don't know where to look to find the answer.  Can someone help?
> No, I don't want you to give me the answer.
> I want you to tell me where and how I should be looking for the answer myself so that I can find it without having to ask anyone.
> My question is:
>   When will the GlassFish master repo switch to building with JDK 11?
> We know it has to occur before the Jakarta EE 9 release, but I don't know whether it has already occurred, or whether there's a planned date for when it will occur.
> A similar, but simpler, question is:
>   When will the GlassFish master repo switch to building version 6.0.0-SNAPSHOT?
> I kind of expected that that would've happened already, but a quick check shows that it has not.
> And another question, related to those two, is:
>   When am I allowed to upgrade GlassFish components from javax.* to jakarta.*?
> Is there a plan for how this is done, who goes first, what the criteria are, etc?  Or should I just go in there and start making a mess and hope that it gets fixed soon enough?
> Again, I'm hoping that you can teach me how to find the answers to questions such as these, so I can find answers to similar questions in the future without having to bother any of you.
> Thanks!
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