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Re: [glassfish-dev] Fixes that allow GlassFish 5.1 to run on both JDK 8 and JDK 11.

sawamura.hiroki@xxxxxxxxxxx wrote on 1/29/20 4:51 PM:
> Certainly, the amount of fixes required to run GlassFish 5.1 on JDK 11 is not that large, but it may be difficult given the namespace migration and future maintenance...
> However, the JakartaEE 8 specification does not appear to have any limitations on the version of JavaSE used to run the application server, but if we create GlassFish 5.2, we'll need to pass TCK 8 to maintain Jakarta EE 8 compatibility. At the time, we'll need to be able to work TCK 8 on JDK 11 or GlassFish 5.1 on JDK 8. When I previously tried to run TCK 8 on JDK 11, it didn't run with only the ts.jte environment file modification.
> Is a version release of GlassFish that does not pass the TCK acceptable?

Absolutely not.

Currently the TCK isn't intended to support JDK 11.  We would need a new release
of the TCK to support JDK 11 and that would need to be part of the work you
would need to do to complete this task.  Just another reason this is a bigger
problem than expected.

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