We are pleased to
announce the first release candidate for v1.0.0 (GeoWave v1.0.0-RC1)!
We are excited about the many improvements targeted for v1.0.0.
The first thing that will be apparent for users of the library is that all maven group IDs and all package names changed from mil.nga.giat to org.locationtech.geowave.
Within 1.x releases compatibility with serialization, all APIs, and commandline usage will be guaranteed. To make the available programmatic APIs very clear we developed "api" packages which will maintain backwards compatibility in 1.x releases. API classes can be found in org.locationtech.geowave.core.store.api and org.locationtech.geowave.core.geotime.store.query.api and example usages can be found in "examples."
Other Major Featrures Include:
- Exciting new datastore support to include Redis, RocksDB, and Apache Kudu.
- A new multi-platform standalone installer for quick and easy access to the GeoWave commandline tools on any OS.
- New commandline utilties such as efficient datastore copies between any GeoWave supported keyvalue store, as well as more spark analytics such as Kernel Density Estimation
- Additional support for secondary indexing.
- Now publishing artifacts to Maven Central!
- Several version updates to include GeoServer 2.14.0 and GeoTools 20.0
...and many many more, see the
change log for details.