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Re: [geowave-dev] Multiband geotiff problem

Hi Jose, most of the team is at a conference.  I think we should have someone back who can answer this in a day or two.

On May 4, 2016 6:12 PM, "Jose M" <soloninguno@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Hi sorry, anyone could give a hint on this?


De: geowave-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <geowave-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> en nombre de Jose M <soloninguno@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Enviado: martes, 03 de mayo de 2016 05:49 p.m.
Para: geowave-dev@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Asunto: [geowave-dev] Multiband geotiff problem


I need to ingest some multi band geotiffs with geowave, but I'm getting this exception when using RasterDataAdapter.

org.geotools.coverage.processing.CannotReprojectException: Impossible to reproject layer "x".
    at org.geotools.coverage.processing.operation.Resample.doOperation(
    at org.geotools.coverage.processing.CoverageProcessor.doOperation(
    at org.geotools.coverage.processing.CoverageProcessor.doOperation(
    at org.geotools.coverage.processing.Operations.doOperation(
    at org.geotools.coverage.processing.Operations.resample(
    at mil.nga.giat.geowave.adapter.raster.adapter.RasterDataAdapter$MosaicPerPyramidLevelBuilder$
    at mil.nga.giat.geowave.adapter.raster.adapter.RasterDataAdapter$MosaicPerPyramidLevelBuilder$
    at mil.nga.giat.geowave.datastore.accumulo.AccumuloIndexWriter.write(
    at mil.nga.giat.geowave.datastore.accumulo.AccumuloIndexWriter.write(

Caused by: org.opengis.referencing.operation.OperationNotFoundException: Bursa Wolf Parameters are required.
    at org.geotools.referencing.operation.DefaultCoordinateOperationFactory.createOperationStep(
    at org.geotools.referencing.operation.DefaultCoordinateOperationFactory.createOperationStep(
    at org.geotools.referencing.operation.DefaultCoordinateOperationFactory.createOperationStep(
    at org.geotools.referencing.operation.DefaultCoordinateOperationFactory.createOperationStep(
    at org.geotools.referencing.operation.DefaultCoordinateOperationFactory.createOperation(
    at org.geotools.referencing.operation.BufferedCoordinateOperationFactory.createOperation(
    at org.geotools.coverage.processing.operation.Resampler2D.reproject(
    at org.geotools.coverage.processing.operation.Resample.doOperation(
    ... 12 more

I was checking the accumulo logs and don't see nothing there, so it seems it's a client problem, but in the same project i have a standalone geotools main that open the image ok (just to note, it needs the imageio gdal extensions).

Anyone has seen this error before? Is in fact because of the imagio gdal extension missing in accumulo, or I need to reproject the geotiff before ingesting with geowave?

Here is the geotiff file if anyone wants to try

By the way, i was thinking on creating one coverage per band. Is this a good idea? I don't know how I can write each band separately to the index, is there any utility to do that with geowave?


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