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[geowave-dev] Geowave analytics options


  I tried out the sample command to run the dbscan analytic against the geolife tables I loaded into GeoWave. However, when I run the command: 

yarn jar geowave-analytic-mapreduce-0.8.9-SNAPSHOT-analytics-singlejar.jar  -dbscan  -n geowave.geolife -u geowave -p hadoop -z FQDN:2181 -i accumulo -emn 2 -emx 6 -pd 1000 -pc mil.nga.giat.geowave.analytic.partitioner.OrthodromicDistancePartitioner -cms 10 -orc 4 -hdfsbase /user/geolife -b bdb4 -eit geolife

I get the following: ERROR cli.GeoWaveMain: Unable to parse operation

org.apache.commons.cli.UnrecognizedOptionException: Unrecognized option: -dbscan

Is dbscan a different option now? Is there a list of the proper options for all of the analytics (such as KMeans, Nearest Neighbors, etc)? Am I just overlooking something in the docs?



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