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Re: [geomesa-users] Chinese garbled And no features returned in GeoServer

Thank you for contacting me.I will try to to use the geotools API to write the features directly.I wish the ticket  can be solve as soon as possible.You are so kind.

At 2019-07-31 00:03:56, "Emilio Lahr-Vivaz" <elahrvivaz@xxxxxxxx> wrote:

I created a ticket to support ingesting shapefiles with different charsets:

As a work-around, if you can export your data as CSV or JSON, you should be able to ingest that as UTF-8. Alternatively, you should be able to use the geotools API to write the features directly, but you won't be able to use the geomesa CLI tools.



On 7/30/19 11:47 AM, 张黎 wrote:
Yes,I  ingest a shapefile using the GeoMesa CLI tools and the command is
“geomesa-accumulo ingest --catalog qgzhd --feature-name qgzhd --input-format shp "/mnt/data/qgzhd/qgzhd.shp" -u root -p root -z master:2181,slave1:2181,slave2:2181 -i accumulo“,it is successful.  I think the reason why the  data is being garbled is geoserver read the data which use  US-ASCII.of course,maybe the issue is in the ingestion process.But I can not change the CLI.

At 2019-07-30 21:16:14, "Emilio Lahr-Vivaz" <elahrvivaz@xxxxxxxx> wrote:

There is no GeoMesa configuration for character set, as all data is treated as UTF-8. How exactly are you ingesting the data into GeoMesa? I would guess that the issue is in the ingestion process. If you are ingesting from a shapefile using the GeoMesa CLI tools, we don't currently expose the shapefile DBF encoding, so that might be where the data is being garbled.



On 7/30/19 8:34 AM, 张黎 wrote:
I ingesting raster and vector data,If I publish the vector data  using Shapefiles , I can choose DBF character as UTF-8,that is ok.But when I Choose the  DBF character as US-ASCII,The garbled  the same as before.I think that geoserver decode the character using US-ASCII instead of UTF-8.But when I publish the  vector using Accumulo (GeoMesa),there are no place to choose DBF character,I was confused.


 Accumulo (GeoMesa):

At 2019-07-30 20:15:13, "Emilio Lahr-Vivaz" <elahrvivaz@xxxxxxxx> wrote:

You're probably seeing the underlying bytes - the shell isn't interpreting them as UTF, but if you read them back out programmatically you could do so.



On 7/29/19 10:49 PM, 张黎 wrote:
Maybe the Accumulo can not support Chinese.I try to use the accumulo shell to inspecte tables.I find I can insert english,But When I insert Chinese,I see some garbled in shell .
Now,I want to know how to set Accumulo character .After all,the GeoMesa and Geoserver support UTF-8.

At 2019-07-29 23:24:45, "Emilio Lahr-Vivaz" <elahrvivaz@xxxxxxxx> wrote:

Are you ingesting raster or vector data, or both? How exactly are you ingesting your data?

Generally, GeoMesa stores everything as UTF-8, which supports Chinese.



On 7/29/19 11:11 AM, 张黎 wrote:
Dear Sir or Madam:

 I want to publish raster data using geoserver and Geomesa-Accumulo,But two major problems were encountered.The first, see some garbled in map,like this
How can I display Chinese characters?Dose Accumulo not supporte the Chinese? 

The second,When I ingest raster data with Geomesa-Accumulo and publish the raster data with GeoServer . the features is disappeared,all the features value is 0,like this:
But If I  ingest  raster data without Geomesa-Accumulo and publish the raster data with GeoServer, I can see the features value. I do not know what happen.
Due to the short timeframe for this proposal, prompt reply is greatly appreciated.


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