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[geomesa-users] GeoMesa 2.3.0 released

Hi all,

The GeoMesa team here at CCRi is happy to announce the release of version 2.3.0. Artifacts are available from Maven Central and on GitHub[1]. For detailed information on key changes, refer to the release notes and upgrade guide[2]. LocationTech GeoMesa 2.3.0 works with GeoTools 20.x and GeoServer 2.14.x.

New in GeoMesa 2.3.0 is a Redis datastore implementation, which supports all the existing GeoMesa index types. It is designed for high frequency streaming data, as an alternative to the Kafka datastore for some use cases.

Another highlight in 2.3.0 is our improved Confluent integration, with support for Kafka topics managed by Confluent using Avro schemas and Kafka 2.1.1. We are continuing to expand GeoMesa’s integration with Confluent technologies like the Avro Schema Registry.

The GeoMesa FileSystem datastore has received several improvements around how it handles metadata, including an option to persist metadata to a relational database. This should provide a good deal of lift for certain use cases. More improvements are planned, as we continue working to provide a great strategy for data at rest.

Additionally, our core indexing logic has been refactored to be more flexible. We now support full user customization of the attributes used in each index, as well as multiple spatial and spatio-temporal indices on different attributes. Additionally, adding new index strategies has been greatly simplified, and we hope to eventually provide alternate implementations to support different use-cases, for example based on Google’s S2 library.

For GeoMesa’s HBase support, a number of improvements have come out of our use of massive HBase clusters on AWS EMR, backed by S3 storage.

For ingest, the GeoMesa NiFi processors now support NiFi expression language and variables. The GeoMesa converter library can now create composite converters for XML and JSON formats, as well as interact with Avro Schema registries. Additionally, the command-line tools now support tar and zip archives directly.

With this release complete, the GeoMesa team is looking at some major upgrades for GeoMesa 3.0. As a project on the JVM, we have to work through the necessary steps to support Java 9 and later. Given that many of our datastores support and interact with Hadoop, we are looking at upgrades to Hadoop 3.0.x. Along with that, we are planning upgrades for Scala 2.12, Spark, HBase 2.x, and Accumulo 2.0.

As always, feel free to be in touch with us on our mailing lists and Gitter.



1. Binary downloads: 2. Release notes:
Upgrade guide:

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