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Re: [geomesa-users] loading and accessing converters


You're hitting a bug that I believe has been fixed, although I can't find the exact JIRA ticket at the moment. It's related to the simple feature type user data being written as a TypeSafe config object, and how TypeSafe handles dots in strings. As a work around, you can use '--format spec' which will print the simple feature type as a plain string, instead of a HOCON conf.

For your second question, I'm not 100% sure what you mean, but if you're referring to the ability to simply specify e.g. '-s gdelt', those named types are loaded using standard TypeSafe config loading mechanisms [1]. If you look at 'conf/reference.conf', you can see that it imports the schemas from the 'sfts' folder. You can add additional types there, or by modifying/replacing 'conf/application.conf'.




On 12/21/2017 11:12 AM, Byron Chigoy wrote:

Hi – I am going through the steps of loading data using the renegades example. I am using the AWS bootstrap with geomesa-1.3.2-accumulo-1.8.1.


After creating a schema and table with:

sudo docker exec accumulo-master geomesa ingest -u root -p secret -c geomesa.test1 -f test1 -s /opt/geomesa/conf/renegades-test.conf -C /opt/geomesa/conf/renegades-test.conf s3a://mys3/example.csv


The ingest works. So I want to the SFT using:

sudo docker exec accumulo-master geomesa get-sft-config -u root -p secret -c geomesa.test1 -f test1


With this I get:

ERROR In the map, path 'geomesa.table.sharing' occurs as both the parent object of a value and as a value. Because Map has no defined ordering, this is a broken situation.


I have tried doing the .sft and .convert method for ingest. I have also tried to have different names for the schema and table. I have also tried just using the application.conf.


Also I have successfully used the GDELT example with the env variable gdelt for the .conf. Here when I do geomesa get-sft-config there is no error and I get the right output.


Seems simple but what is wrong here? Also how do you make a .conf file for reference as an env variable like the gdelt example?



Byron T. Chigoy

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