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Re: [geomesa-users] Geoserver bounding box always (-180, -90) (180, 90)


I assume that geoserver is calling dataStore.getFeatureSource(typeName).getBounds()...

For most of our data stores, we don't have that information readily available (the exception is the Accumulo data store, for which we've implemented cached data statistics). So to calculate the bounds would involve scanning the entire data set, which can be expensive. Because of this, we just return any bounds implied by the filter passed into .getBounds().

There are a few ways you can run the bounds calculation, but none of them are hooked into the geoserver lifecycle, so currently you'd have to copy in the bounds on the layer page.

The easiest way is to use the binary distribution command line tools - the command would be something like:

    geomesa-hbase stats-bounds --no-cache --attributes <geom> --feature-name <type name> --catalog <hbase table>

There is an example (for Accumulo) here:

You could also run a query directly in code - if you want details on that let me know.

Once cached stats have been implemented for HBase, you shouldn't have to do this, as the bounds will be available immediately for geoserver. Another option would be implement a configuration or system property that will force the calculation of exact bounds, which is the approach we use for counting results.



On 12/05/2017 11:36 AM, John Meehan wrote:

How does Geoserver calculate the bounding box of a Geomesa (HBase) layer?  After ingesting shapefiles and adding the store/layer everything seems to work well except for calculating the bounding box of the layer.

Even though geotools can return the real bounds:

scala> ftrSrc.getBounds
res0: org.geotools.geometry.jts.ReferencedEnvelope = ReferencedEnvelope[-122.43996559840414 : -122.24542051576557, 47.4972948937176 : 47.73414290003609]

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