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[geomesa-users] Newer geomesa user, data aggregation and visualization question

Hello All,

Been playing with Geomesa for the last month or so. Primary use case is to perform visualizations of a large amount of geospatial sensor data (anywhere from a few hundred gigabytes to a few terabytes). Currently, I'm ingesting the data into Cassandra data store as a simple feature type (lat, lon pairs with sensor readings over time). 

When I don't use geowebcache I can display a few hundred thousand readings from the cassandra data store and dynamically interact with it in the browser. When using geowebcache I can scale to a few million points. This is all on a single node, with a cassandra replication factor of 2.

I would like to be able to display possibly billions of points of data. My overarching question is about scalability and performance - I'm fairly new to displaying geospatial data on this scale, and am wondering what routes I should try and explore next in geomesa to visualize the vast stores of data. My initial thought is to query the data into a geomesa spark spatial rdd, aggregate the readings into spatial bins, put the data into a separate data store, and then display the aggregated data results. Any tips/advice is greatly appreciated!



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